Cameron cuts education at home but gives £650m to Pakistan to indoctrinate the young with liberal western values
On Tuesday 6 April 2011 David Cameron visited Pakistan, he came bearing gifts and seemingly a guilty conscious about the old British colonial political failures. He was quoted as saying with regards to Kashmir “As with so many of the world’s problems, we are responsible for the issue in the first place”.
No one would argue with Cameron’s assessment, however it only highlights why Britain should never be allowed to interfere in the affairs of Pakistan ever again. But interfere it will. The day-visit wasn’t about Cameron’s offloading Britain’s colonial guilt but about ensuring the policy of creating more colonial minds continues. With a massive government deficit at home and years of cuts ahead Cameron has somehow managed to spare £650 million to give to Pakistan to fund future education projects. It makes Pakistan the biggest recipient of education aid from the UK.
The money will fund schools, training for 90,000 teachers and textbooks, all of which will aim to rid the country of “terrorism”, so Yusuf Raza Giliani the Pakistani Prime Minister hopes, as he puts the blame for terrorism squarely at the door of illiteracy. Gilani’s assessment is a very simplistic and misplaced one as it is like equating poverty to laziness. Terrorism in Pakistan is the creation of foreign meddling and not the lack of a school education.
Cameron and Gilani’s worst fear is not an uneducated populace in Pakistan but the masses becoming better versed with the ideas of Islamic political change. It is for this reason the UK wishes to push a western styled secular education system in Pakistan, in order to subdue the Islamic sentiments of the masses.
The British policy towards Pakistan’s education is little different to Pastor Terry Jones burning the Quran, only the £650 million will undoubtedly be used to promote western, liberal values ridding Pakistani education of any Islamic foundations.
Long gone are the days when Pakistani children were made to prove they were fulfilling their obligation of namaz whilst at school, and when the history of Islam was taught as more than just an academic subject. It was these very values that had inspired the creation of Pakistan in the first place.
Britain is no more a friend of Pakistan now than it was when the East India Company invaded the continent many years ago. It is the same old tactic with a little more sugar coating to deceive the Muslims once again. Money has been the aged old method by which Britain created havoc in colonial India, the tactics have not changed centuries later.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) said “A Believer is not stung from the same hole twice” (Muslim)
The only way to raise the thinking of the future generations of Pakistan is by going back to the Islamic values that inspired so many to sacrifice so much.
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