Sunday, May 22, 2011

Assad Ruthlessly Murders Mothers And Daughters Of Syria To Protect His Throne

MAY 13, 2011


On Saturday 7th May, security forces of the Assad regime opened fire on an all-female demonstration on the main highway from Merqeb, a village on the outskirts of the coastal town of Baniyas that has become one of the main focus points for anti-regime demonstrations. They shot dead 4 women and wounded 5 others. The women were protesting against the siege of Baniyas by the Syrian army, the cutting of power and phone lines, and the mass arrest of their brothers, husbands, and sons by security police. In Dara’a in March, an 11 year old girl was killed by Syrian security forces during anti-regime protests. Yet Assad continues to absurdly maintain that state violence is being employed to control armed gangs and terrorist groups.

Over 800 have been killed and over 8000 detained during Assad’s massacre of protestors over the last few weeks. Women and children are included in those who have been arrested – even grandmothers have not been spared. Evidence from human rights organisations indicate that women and children alongside men have been severely tortured at the hands of Syria’s notoriously ruthless Mahabharat to induce fear amongst those opposing the regime. Even children as young as 12 have faced heavy beatings by these secret police. Despite all this, Washington and the European Union continue to ‘stand by their man’, calling for political reform in Syria rather than an end to this brutal dictator.

Dr. Nazreen Nawaz, Central Media Representative, Hizb ut-Tahrir commented, “We condemn these ruthless, cowardly attacks by the Assad regime against unarmed protestors whose only weapons are their voices and inspirational courage in opposing this modern day Herod whose dynasty should have been discarded into the dustbin of history decades ago. What kind of merciless system deems it acceptable to aim its guns at the innocent mothers and daughters of its people? This tyrant ruler may want to desperately instigate fear amongst his nation in order to cling to power, but it is his own fear that is tangible with the enactment of these despicable actions that expose to the world how ‘al assad(the lion)’ has been reduced to a quivering, cowering ‘fa’r(mouse)’ through the bravery of Syrian Muslims. He is deluded if he feels this bloodbath upon his citizens will secure his throne – rather these criminal acts are simply hastening the time of his welcome demise.”

“Sons of the Syrian army, how can you bear to stand behind this tyrant that brutally murders your mothers and daughters in cold blood? How can you give your allegiance to a leadership that is willing to unleash terror upon its own people in order to save its own skin and that has fed off the wealth of Syria like parasites, impoverishing your brothers and sisters? How can you continue to give support to a regime that uses you to fight your own mothers and daughters while never having mobilised its military to liberate the Golan or the Muslims of Palestine? What dignity can you have when you witness the massacres, the bloodbath, the repression, the injustice against your Ummah and you have the ability to put an end to all of this yet you do not take action?”

“We call you to embrace the honour that Allah(swt) will bestow upon you by becoming guardians of your Ummah through removing this cowardly, criminal, corrupt dictatorship and turning your support to the establishment of the Khilafah state that will implement the laws of Islam and return dignity to your hands and the lives of your brothers and sisters. Regardless of the number of concessions or promises of political reform, real change can never arise from a regime that has only ever been versed in the language of violence, brutality, repression, and fear. What goodness can you hope for from rulers who have no conscience? It is the Khilafah state alone that will mark an end to the decaying political systems in Syria and the Muslim world that have kept your Ummah on its knees for so long. It is this Islamic system that will fight the cause of the weak and oppressed, seek to eradicate poverty, feed the hungry, protect the dignity of women, provide truly accountable transparent governance and mobilise the Muslim armies to protect and liberate the Muslim lands, making them the heroes of the people, rather than their enemies.”

Source: www.hizb.org.uk




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Bangsa ini Harus Segera Bertobat

Assalâmu‘alaikum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuh.

Pembaca yang budiman, negeri ini seolah menjadi negeri segudang bencana; baik bencana alam maupun bencana kemanusiaan. Bencana alam ada yang bersifat alamiah karena faktor alam (seperti gempa, tsunami, dll), tetapi juga ada yang karena faktor manusia (seperti banjir, kerusakan lingkungan, pencemaran karena limbah industri, dll). Adapun bencana kemanusiaan seperti kemiskinan, kelaparan serta terjadinya banyak kasus kriminal (seperti korupsi, suap-menyuap, pembunuhan, perampokan, pemerkosaan, maraknya aborsi, penyalahgunaan narkoba, dll) adalah murni lebih disebabkan karena ulah manusia. Itu belum termasuk kezaliman para penguasa yang dengan semena-mena menerapkan berbagai UU yang justru menyengsarakan rakyat seperti UU Migas, UU SDA, UU Listrik, UU Penanaman Modal, UU BHP, dll. UU tersebut pada kenyataannya lebih untuk memenuhi nafsu segelintir para pemilik modal ketimbang berpihak pada kepentingan rakyat.

Pertanyaannya: Mengapa semua ini terjadi? Bagaimana pula seharusnya bangsa ini bersikap? Apa yang mesti dilakukan? Haruskah kita menyikapi semua ini dengan sikap pasrah dan berdiam diri karena menganggap semua itu sebagai ’takdir’?

Tentu tidak demikian. Pasalnya, harus disadari, bahwa berbagai bencana dan musibah yang selama ini terjadi lebih banyak merupakan akibat kemungkaran dan kemaksiatan yang telah merajalela di negeri ini. Semua itu tidak lain sebagai akibat bangsa ini telah lama mencampakkan syariah Allah dan malah menerapkankan hukum-hukum kufur di negeri ini.

Karena itu, momentum akhir tahun ini tampaknya bisa digunakan oleh seluruh komponen bangsa ini untuk melakukan muhâsabah, koreksi diri, sembari dengan penuh kesadaran dan kesungguhan melakukan upaya untuk mengatasi berbagai persoalan yang melanda negeri ini. Tampaknya bangsa ini harus segera bertobat dengan segera menerapkan hukum-hukum Allah SWT secara total dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan mereka. Maka dari itu, perjuangan untuk menegakan syariah Islam di negeri ini tidak boleh berhenti, bahkan harus terus ditingkatkan dan dioptimalkan. Sebab, sebagai Muslim kita yakin, bahwa hanya syariah Islamlah—dalam wadah Khilafah—yang bisa memberikan kemaslahatan bagi negeri ini, bahkan bagi seluruh alam raya ini.

Itulah di antara perkara penting yang dipaparkan dalam tema utama al-wa‘ie kali ini, selain sejumlah tema penting lainnya. Selamat membaca!

Wassalâmu‘alaikum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuh.

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