Beware of western governments’ call to help reconstruct Libya
Western leaders, who only a few months ago were meeting, greeting and making lucrative oil deals with Gadaffi’s regime, are today meeting and greeting and hoping to make oil deals with Libya’s new Transitional National Council (NTC) in Paris.
Some would see this as the art of realpolitik. The reality shows just how duplicitous and morally bankrupt western leaders truly are. Hypocritically celebrating the end of the Gadaffi dictatorship are fellow despots from the Arab and Muslim world who work day and night to maintain the status quo, brutally stamping out any dissent against their oppressive rule.
France, Britain and America have been active in hijacking the recent revolutions ever since they saw the strength of the Muslims, who heroically rose against their corrupt and illegitimate regimes. Today’s Libyan summit dubbed the ‘Friends of Libya Conference’, in Paris provides the perfect political opportunity for western colonialists to secure their interests using the participation of corrupt Arab regimes to provide the cover and rubber stamp for continued Western intervention in Libya, despite the removal of Gadaffi’s regime.
Though Muslims of Libya did much of the real fighting on the ground to remove Gadaffi and his family’s strangle hold over the country, losing many lives in the process, France, Britain and America are demanding payback for their reluctant, risk-free air support. Such is the peril of western intervention!
Western governments have been quick to exploit the three issues of security, economy and democracy in their so-called bid to help reconstruct Libya. Time and again, they reiterate that “it is up to the Libyans” yet they ‘advise’ that restoring security requires trained western boots on the ground; kick-starting the economy necessitates European and American oil giants, while laying the foundations for democracy dictates a liberal-western constitution.
The NTC should beware – not out of blind anti-western prejudice but from actual experience of recent past western interventions. Afghanistan and Iraq, invaded and occupied by the west, remain unstable; undeveloped and undemocratic a decade after western intervention and after billions of dollars has been plundered.
Thus while we congratulate the Muslims of Libya on their victory over the tyrant Gadaffi, we advise the NTC to not let the blood of the martyrs to be shed in vain.
The Muslims of Libya must resists western demands that contradict their deen and at the same time must be determined to make Islamic ruling the successor to tyrannical rule, and not the failed systems which America, Europe and their agents are working to put in place of the tyrant.
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